YOPP Polar Prediction Workshop

Registration and abstract submission are now open for the Polar Prediction Workshop 2017 (PPW 2017) and the 2nd Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project Meeting (2nd SIMIP Meeting).

The workshops will be held at Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum in Bremerhaven, Germany from 27th to 30th March 2017. Both events are jointly organized by the Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI), the Polar Prediction Project (WWRP-PPP), the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN), and the Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project (SIMIP).

The Polar Prediction Workshop 2017 (March, 27th morning - March, 29th noon) will start with the public Alfred Wegener Lecture. This time, the lecture entitled “A Decade of Sea Ice Prediction“ will be given by Cecilia Bitz (Atmospheric Science Department, University of Washington) who is going to review rapid advances in predicting skills of Arctic sea ice conditions since The Sea Ice Outlook began collecting and reporting predictions in 2008.

Desired outcomes of the workshop include the compilation of recommendations for the 2017 Sea Ice Outlook season, as well as the stimulation of collaborations in the context of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP; mid-2017—mid-2019).

For the Polar Prediction Workshop 2017, call for abstracts is open to related to polar prediction topics such as predictability, modelling, data assimilation, and forecasting, observations, verification, and user needs.

The SIMIP workshop (March, 29th noon - March, 30th noon) is devoted to discussions about the sea ice simulations from the upcoming CMIP6 experiments (SIMIP) and it is organized by the WCRP-CliC Sea ice and Climate Modeling Forum.

Registration and abstract submission for both workshops are open until the 30th of January. There is some funding available to support early-career scientists. Information on the venue and accomodation can be found here.

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