U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

Press release from the Danish Foreign Ministry

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Denmark and Greenland on 16-17 June, accepting an invitation from Minister for Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen and member of Naalakkersuisut (the Government of Greenland) with responsibility for foreign affairs, Vittus Qujaukitsoq. The visit will focus in particular on the Arctic cooperation, the climate, Syria, ISIL, Ukraine and trade. John Kerry will also meet with the Prime Minister.

Kristian Jensen says: “As we recently confirmed in Washington at the Nordic-American Summit, the alliance between the United States and Denmark is close and strong. Denmark and the United States are bound together by a history, a culture, a democracy and a set of values. We have agreed to put this to use in order to set new standards and agendas. In Copenhagen, I will discuss with John Kerry how we can expand our cooperation in areas such as counter-terrorism, free trade and the promotion of human rights. The visit will also provide an opportunity for John Kerry to experience Denmark and the Danish model of society, which is a topic of interest for Americans.”

According to Kristian Jensen, the visit also underlines the important partnership with the United States.

“We also work closely on the Arctic. I am pleased to have the opportunity to welcome John Kerry to Greenland together with Vittus Qujaukitsoq. Here he will get a first-hand impression of climate change and the challenges it poses for Greenland.”

Vittus Qujaukitsoq says: “A visit to Greenland by John Kerry underlines the American focus on the Arctic agenda. The United States currently holds the chairmanship of the Arctic Council, where we in Greenland are committed to continuing the constructive cooperation with a focus on the peoples of the Arctic and their needs. The visit also gives an opportunity to discuss the broader range of issues of common interest to Greenland, Denmark and the United States, including the defence cooperation with the United States.”

For more information, contact:

Press Advisor Lars Peter Levy, tel. (+45) 41904124 or Special Advisor Peter Høyer, tel. (+45) 61979042

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