The Circle

The latest issue (March 2016) of "The Circle", an online resource published quarterly by the WWF Global Arctic Programme, investigates which role can or should the European Union play in the Arctic.

"In this issue, our contributors examine the renewed European interest in the Arctic through the prism of the European Union – the economic and political bloc that includes 28 European countries. Alyson Bailes lists some common interests of the Arctic and the EU, while Lord Robin Teverson argues that accepting the EU into its ranks would strengthen the Arctic Council. Diana Wallis reflects on past policies that haunt the EU’s place in the Arctic today. When asked how the EU can contribute, member of the Norwegian Sami Parliament Christina Henriksen put it succinctly: “Buy our products, respect our rights and ensure our future.” This time around, the people of the EU can explore the Arctic’s potential more ethically and sustainably than they did centuries ago. Instead of leaving their names on the map, they can leave a legacy of support for the Arctic environment, and for Arctic peoples" (Editorial, by GENEVIÈVE PONS the Director of the European office of WWF).

Here is the full table of contents:

ALYSON BAILES What does the EU want, what can it offer? 
DIANA WALLIS Dealing the seal 
ROBIN TEVERSON ‘High time’ EU gets observer status: UK 
ADAM STEPIEN A call for a two-tier EU policy 
MARIA DELIGIANNI Piloting the Arctic Passages 
TIMO KOIVUROVA Finland: wearing two hats 
Greenland – walking the middle path 
FERNANDO GARCES DE LOS FAYOS The European Parliament & EU Arctic policy 
CHRISTINA HENRIKSEN The EU and Arctic Indigenous peoples 
NICOLE BIEBOW A driving force: The EU & polar research

Download "The Circle"(1.16). 

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