Icelandic Arctic Journal Call

A new journal is emerging to be published shortly. The Icelandic Arctic Journal is a non-peer reviewed, interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral platform for those interested and involved in the Arctic.

Various Arctic topics will be highlighted to include culture, community, arts, business, science and interesting books, events and projects.

Submission Guidelines

Language: English

Fonts and line spacing: In a word document use Times New Roman, 12 pt., spacing 1,15

Length: There are no stright wordlimits for submission, but a general article is recommended to be of 1000-3500 words, including a 100-150 word abstract

Photographs: Full resolution, 300 dpi, formats: PSD, JPG, TIFF, EPS and PDF. Please credid the photographer and provide a short descriptive text with every photograph. Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations that have been previously published elsewhere.

Information about the author/authors: Please provide a short summary of 50 words about the author, affiliation, education, work experience, field of interests etc.

Examples of Content

  • Project information and news
  • Opinion pieces
  • General articles
  • Analytical pieces
  • Policy at the institutional, local or national level
  • Information about events or books

Please send your contribution (article, essay, photographs etc.) to one of the editors via email. 

Deadline for submissions is September, 15, 2015.

In addition, the Icelandic Arctic Journal provides opportunities for advertising in an international printed and digital forum – free of charge - with a wide circulation.
For further information on various sizes and prices please click here.

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When quoting, reusing or copying any material on the or any of its sub-sites including but not limiting to: information, news, articles, data, maps or images, in part or in full, a citation stating the origin and a hyperlink to is required.