6th Arctic Shipping Summit

The 6th Arctic Shipping Summit will be held in Montreal, Canada, next 18-20 March 2015. It focuses on technological, operational, and logistical and challenges encountered by ship owners in harsh Arctic conditions. It will address key developments in transport and regulation in the Arctic as well as; commercial, communication and safety issues. Particular emphasis will be put on evaluating potential opportunities in the region.

This summit, through presentations, roundtable discussion and case studies will examine practical solutions to Arctic shipping issues and present the latest innovations of technology in this specialised area.

Key topics include:

  • Governing The Arctic: The Arctic Council and IMO Polar Code
  • The Polar Code: Monitoring of Compliance
  • Placing the Arctic in a Global Context
  • LNG and the Future of Arctic Shipping
  • Improving Satellite Coverage in the Arctic and its Impact on Search & Rescue
  • Identifying the Arctic's Global Impact
  • A Focus on the Immediate Future of Arctic Shipping
  • Search and Rescue: Infrastructure, Communications and Satellite Coverage
  • The Potential of the Offshore Arctic Market

More information and program here.

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