Geo & Bio conference 2014

1st International Conference Endogenous activity of the Earth and bio-social processes (GeoBio2014) will take place 5 – 7 November 2014 in Moscow, the capital city of Russia.

In today's world geology plays a still growing role not only in supplying mineral and energy resources as well as drinking water, but also in ensuring ecological safety and equal opportunities for professional activity of every human being.

Ecological geology, medical geology, geoethics and many other natural sciences that have a significant geological basis are now at the frontline of the scientific research. These disciplines focus on the studies of environmental aspects and mechanisms of influence of geological objects and processes on biota.

In the long run the scientific research aims at changing the attitude to the natural resources, preserving the richness of nature and serving the interests of the humankind. One of the burning issues that the humankind has been tackling for ages is its vulnerability in the face of natural disasters: volcano eruptions, earthquakes, degassing of earth, landslides, floods and tsunamis. The consequences of these phenomena become even more disastrous as the climate is rapidly changing.

It is evident that the top priority of today's global agenda is to develop the scientific basis for modeling, evaluation and forecasting dangerous geological processes and putting the results of the research and experience into practice using state-of-the-art computer and telecommunication technologies and equipment to preserve health and well-being of the humankind.

This for the most part concerns people living in the areas with a high level of geological risk.

It is therefore crucial to be able to make responsible and accurate decisions as to forecasting disasters, informing the population and minimizing the consequences of the catastrophic events.

The conference will bring together a wide range of specialists – geologists, ecologists, physicists, climate experts, medical specialists – who use the results of the latest interdisciplinary research in their work. GeoBio2014 also aims at creating a platform for communication of scientific specialists and state officials responsible for ecological development and safety.

Conference topics:

  1. Fundamental and theoretical basis of endogenous activity of the Earth
  2. Endogenous activity of the Earth and evolution of the biosphere
  3. Endogenous activity of the Earth and climate change
  4. Medical geology
  5. Geophysical aspects of geopolitical, psychological and ecological and social processes
  6. Degassing of earth and related processes in the geosphere, biosphere and atmosphere
  7. Information technologies for evaluation, forecasting, research and prevention of effects of endogeodynamic factors on the man-made and natural objects.

The conference will also feature an exhibition of technologies and equipment for interdisciplinary geological research.

Click here to read more about the event.

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