Oil platform

The Russian largest oil company, Rosneft, conducted seismic surveys at the Fedynsky and Central Barents license areas where Italian Eni energy corporation is having their operations.

This summer, Rosneft platforms sail further North in the Barents Sea for seismic survey. Studies will take place at five areas believed to hold up to 2 billion tons of oil and several thousand billion cubic meters of natural gas.

Perseyevsky license district is to be studied much more thoroughly in order to make the North-Western part of Barents Sea suitable for future exploration and exploitation.

In 2012 the joint cooperation was signed between the Norwegian Statoil and Rosneft to jointly explore the bordering, potential exploration areas.

Later this year, the seismic surveys will be conducted around Prinovozemelsky fields in the Kara Sea and the West Matveevsky area in the Pechora Sea.

Source: Barents Observer

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