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The Department Political Studies at University of Saskatchewan invites applications for four master's fellowships in comparative Northern governance research.

Open to all students, the fellowships are supported by funding through ARCtic urban SUStainability in Russia (ARCSUS) Research Project (funded by the NORRUSS Programme of the Norwegian Research Council) and the International Centre for Northern Governance and Development, under the auspices of the UArctic Thematic Network on Northern Governance. Each Graduate Student Fellowship is $16,000 CAD.

Applications from Northern residents or those with work and/or research experience in the North are particularly encouraged. Relevant background and interest should be reflected in the Statement of Interest provided in the application. Applicants must be successfully admitted to the MA in Political Studies program at the University of Saskatchewan.

Graduate Student Travel Award

Each successful graduate student applicant will also receive up to $4,000 CAD in travel award to support the research.

Graduate Student Research Topics

Successful applicants thesis research will directly support the ARCtic urban SUStainability in Russia (ARCSUS) research project. Dr. Greg Poelzer and the International Centre for Northern Governance and Development is a principal partner in the research project lead by Dr. Aileen Espiritu, the Barents Institute at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway. ARCSUS investigates governance and economic development in small, medium, and large urban settlements in Russia and other Circumpolar Regions, including Northern Saskatchewan, and explores strategies to ensure sustainability of Northern communities.

Research topics include (but are not limited to), how governance, development, and capacity building in northern communities is related to the following areas:

  • Resource and economic development
  • Innovation and technology
  • Local and regional policy planning and implementation
  • Environmental impact assessment and evaluation
  • Indigenous consultation and participation
  • Higher education and employment
  • Health care and social infrastructure

For more information about the Graduate Student fellowships contact:

Dr. Greg Poelzer, Associate Professor of Political Studies and Executive Chair at the International Centre for Northern Governance and Development, University of Saskatchewan, at

Click here for more information on how to apply.

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