Mingling at the FRAM Center, Arctic Frontiers 2013

Today, 22nd of January 2014 Arctic Frontiers conference opens its science session. This year´s theme: "Humans in the Arctic" will highlight current environmental and economic threats to peoples living in the High North.

First plenary session was officially opened by Martin Forties, Executive Director of Arctic Net, Canada and Kirsten Broch Mathisen from the Research Council of Norway.

The day today will focus on human health in the Arctic and challenges caused by difficult cool climate.

Lectures will touch upon Arctic shipping with special focus on search and rescue operations, dealing with injuries and cold immersion in the Arctic conditions.

The Arctic Frontiers has developed to become international venue for scientists, policy makers and general public to address developments in the Northern Hemisphere.

Today´s science session will end at 17.00 (GMT+1). After the day of lectures, the conference participants will be welcomed for the evening program.

Click here for the science session program.

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