Lobsang Yangtso

When: 5th April 2023 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST

Where: SEEC S228 4001 Discovery Drive Boulder, CO 80303

The Yarlung Tsangpo is a major river that flows from the Tibetan Plateau and enters India in the Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh and known as the Siang River. It is called the Brahmaputra when it enters Assam and finally flows into Bangladesh. Millions of people are depending on the Brahmaputra for their livelihood. However, due to climate change, the river is facing the loss of ice and snow in the region affecting water availability, biodiversity, and ecosystem boundary shifts. This will have an environmental and social impact that will likely increase the uncertainty of water supplies and agricultural productivity for people in the Tibetan Plateau, India, and Bangladesh. Thus, this study will highlight the impact of climate change on the upstream Brahmaputra River, how the change in the rainfall patterns and rise of temperature affect agriculture productivity, and food security, and its consequences on the livelihood of people in Tuting village in Arunachal Pradesh which is an immediate village when the Yarlung Tsangpo enters India, and a small Tibetan community is also located in Tuting which makes me more accessible. I will also focus on the traditional knowledge of protecting the environment in the Tuting area and how they understand climate change. In recent years, the Siang River in Arunachal Pradesh has experienced a muddy river, receding water level, and floods causing a serious environmental and social impact on the people. Finally, the study will critically examine the mitigation and adaptation measures taken by the policymakers to specially address climate change in Tuting village.



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