After a peculiar first year of the new programming period, the volume of proposals submitted under each open call keeps increasing. Therefore, anyone aiming to maximize chances of being selected for funding is required to know how to present a project idea in an engaging, illustrative, and convincing manner.

Involved in a series of funded projects ourselves, we have observed brilliant ideas rejected numerous times due to the proposals' ineffectiveness in meeting the call's requirements.

Therefore, at European Academy, we have developed a unique course on "Proposal Writing for Research & Innovation Projects", which covers all elements of a successful bid and pays attention to every small detail evaluators look for in project proposals. Led by a development planner and evaluator with 33 years of experience, the course addresses all aspects of proposal design and preparation, along with budgeting and practical issues such as demonstrating impact, working-out the implementation plan, developing a sound dissemination and exploitation plan, aiming to also assist participants in the "after award of a grant stage".

Short Course Agenda

Day 1 - Matching Projects to Funding Sources

  • Overview of the Programming Period 2021-2027 funding opportunities.
  • Types of funding streams under Innovation Policy 2021-2027 and the small details under each funding stream that matter.
  • How to ensure the best fit between your project and an available funding stream/Call.
  • Exploring the different notions of innovation.
  • Questions/answers on funding streams and discussion

Day 2 - Essential Elements of Winning Proposals

  • An overview of winning proposal essential features (precision & clarity, planning & research, realism, grasping text, documentation & data)
  • Developing the best project justification (vision, need, opportunity, goals & objectives, outcomes)
  • Demonstrating impact.
  • Pulling together the right assets (partners, experience, intellectual property, tangible & intangible resources)
  • Putting yourself in the role of the "evaluator"
  • Workshop/exercise session (short proposal on "imaginary agreed project": participants will work on justification and impact pathways)

Day 3 - Demonstrating Good Planning and Control of the Implementation Process

  • Working-out the implementation plan: tips and exercises for a well thought-out "work plan" (activities, time-planning, resources, cost, flexibility)
  • Dealing with risk: tips and exercises for a good risk management plan
  • Developing a sound dissemination and exploitation plan: demonstrating viability/sustainability of your project
  • Workshop/exercise session (short proposal on "imaginary agreed project": participants will work on workplan, risk management, dissemination & exploitation plan of the project developed in DAY 2)

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