EU-PolarNet 2 can look back to a successful year 2021 even if the ongoing pandemic has hindered some of the planned activities. Until now, the full consortium has not been able to meet in person and the 2nd EU-PolarNet 2 General Assembly took place as a hybrid meeting in October with the consortium attending online and the Executive Board in person from Brussels.

EU-PolarNet 2 has opened and evaluated its first Call for Services in 2021 and will announce the successful offers early in 2022. These services are an important contribution to our research prioritisation process. The other important piece is our newly formed Polar Expert Group consisting of many excellent experts who volunteered to become members of this group. We also updated our stakeholder map by mapping all stakeholder activities from relevant Polar projects including the EU Polar Cluster through an online stakeholder survey and summarising the results in a deliverable.

EU-PolarNet 2 organised several webinars in 2021, most of them jointly with the EPB and the EU Polar Cluster. Together we contributed to the EU Pavilion at the COP26 with a session on “Polar warming, global warming”. We also jointly organised a webinar discussing the new EU Arctic Policy with high-level speakers from the EC and the EEAS.

We have planned already several activities for 2022 and important deliverables will be published at the beginning of the year. We are looking forward to the first transdisciplinary EU-PolarNet 2 workshop jointly organised with our partner the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry in Kautokeino; Norway. The workshop is planned for early April and we cross our fingers that the pandemic allows us to carry it out.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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