This VIRTUAL dialogue is moderated by Mr. Dagfinnur Sveinbjörnsson, Arctic Circle Emissary on the Third Pole, Climate and the Oceans and is an introduction to the Arctic Circle Abu Dhabi Forum to take place in January.

Introductory remarks by H.E. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Chairman of Arctic Circle, President of Iceland 1996-2016.

The Third Pole – Himalaya will experience profound ecological and geophysical transformations as a result of climate change. The melting of the glaciers carries water security implications for up to 2 billion people across the river basins of Asia. In the face of this monumental challenge, new avenues of collaboration are called for.

This VIRTUAL event will explored if the Arctic model of collaboration can serve as an inspiration for the Third Pole – Himalaya.

The challenges facing the region and efforts to increase collaboration in recent years will be discussed; in particular the Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment Report.

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