Perspectives of Franco-German scientific cooperation

When: 6th October 2021

Where: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Luisenstraße 58/59 10117 Berlin (Mitte)

Registration: Please register until 30 September via Participation in the event is free of charge.


General Information

The Arctic has increasingly moved into the international spotlight in recent decades, partly because of the particularly striking impact of climate change on humans and the environment there. Today, the Arctic is affected by warming twice as strong as the global mean temperature of the Earth, to witness the first rainfall recorded ever on top of Greenland’s ice sheet in August 2021. The Arctic is therefore considered an early warning system of global climate change.

Fostered by a long-lasting collaborative Franco-German initiative, a new Graduate School in Arctic transdisciplinary studies has been founded by AWI and UVSQ/Université Paris-Saclay with the support of the Franco-German University in Saarbruck. The Graduate School will connect doctoral training programmes of the two institutions in this rapidly developing field of polar research. Driven by a team of internationally renowned polar scientists, the Graduate school will consolidate Franco-German cooperation and excellence in this field while training future experts at the highest level.

This official opening event will raise awareness among Arctic specialists and the public about the urgent need for important decisions and coordinated action among all nations on climate mitigation and adaptation and the particular role that Franco-German initiatives can play in this field. The evening will be dedicated to regional and dynamical aspects of change in the Arctic concerning both the environment and humans. A panel discussion with experts including scientists and indigenous representatives will then focus on the important question of the role of international and transdisciplinary cooperation in this context. The event will be closed by the official inauguration of the new Graduate school PACCSS (Perceiving Arctic Change – Climate, Society and Sustainability).

Discussions will be followed by a reception including food and drink, to foster exchange between participants.



 18:00 - 18:20 h - Opening:

  • Anne-Marie Descôtes, Ambassador of France to Germany
  • Prof. Olivier Mentz, President of Université franco-allemande / Deutsch-Französische Hochschule Saarbrücken
  • Prof. Antje Boetlus, Director of Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
  • Prof. Alain Bul, Président of UVSQ, associate member of Université Paris-Saclay)

18:20 - 19:00 h - Testimonial Lectures:

  • The Arctic region in the spot light of climate: Apl. Prof Bernhard Diekmann (Head of Research Unit AWI Potsdam / Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research)
  • Co-Construction scientific knowledge about climate change in Siberia with Indigenous Communities: Alexandra Lavrillier (UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay / Institut Universitaire France) and Semen Gabyshev (Evenki Reindeer Herder, Associate Researcher UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay)

19:00 - 20:00 h - Moderated Panel Discussion:

The importance of international and transdisciplinary cooperation in view of Arctic change: environment, societies and science diplomacy

  • Moderation: Grace Dobush
  • Jacques Raharinaivo, Executive Officer to the Ambassador for the Poles, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Dr. Alexandra Lavrillier, UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay / Institut Universitaire France
  • Semen Gabyshev, Evenki Reindeer Herder / Associate Researcher UVSQ / Université Paris-Saclay
  • Apl. Prof Bernhard Diekmann, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
  • Prof. Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Aleksanteri Institute - Finnish Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Helsinki

20:00 - 20:15 h - Inauguration of PhD Graduate School:

  • Prof. Olivier Mentz, Président of Université franco-allemande / Deutsch-Französische Hochschule Saarbrücken
  • Prof. Jan Borm, Vice President UVSQ in charge of international relations
  • Dr. Klaus Grosfeld, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research / REKLIM
  • Dr. Renate Treffeisen, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research / REKLIM

End 22:00 h - Wrap-up, drinks and food

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