Dear and Distinguished Colleagues,

Good afternoon from Eagle River,

We respectfully thank all who joined yesterday’s ADAC Customers and Partners’ Roundtable, which was conducted from 9 AM-12 PM Alaska/1-4 PM Eastern.  For those who were not able to participate, you are welcome to review the recording which is located at

We have just completed our 3rd quarter 2020 newsletter and have posted this at our website at

Lastly, our latest iteration of ADAC’s Long Range Schedule.  As always, there are a lot of factors that influence many event/activities dates, but we will continue to strive to keep all who are interested apprised of events we are either leading, co-sponsoring or participating. You will note we have placed a number of “reserved for” activities, as the organizations that run those specific events may or may not have made a determination of these events, due to the on-going challenge related to COVID-19.  For these “reserved for” activities, we have attempted to place these at/near the timeframes historically aligned to past occurrences of the particular event.

We do hope as many of you will consider joining us on Monday for the Wilson Center Polar-Institute-ADAC USAF 4-star General Officers providing their reflections regarding the recently released Department of the Air Force Arctic Strategy. Following an opening series of remarks by the current Alaska Command, Alaska NORAD Region and 11th Air Force Commander, these distinguished and highly decorated leaders will provide their insights to include contextual perspectives about the rising trends of Great Power Competition across the high North, and the role and importance of the Air Force in Alaska and the Arctic towards implementation of the Department’s new strategy.  Please see more at Or

We are sincerely thankful to each of you for your interest in research that benefits the U.S. Coast Guard and other Arctic operators.

Very best wishes and very respectfully, Church

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