The 4th Annual International Forum and Exhibition East Russia Oil and Gas will take place 10-11 July 2019 in Vladivostok.
Programme Highlights
- Strategies of Russian Government on Eastern Siberia and Far East development.
- Oil and gas projects: future insight. What will innovative technologies bring into oil and gas processing and petrochemical industry?
- Financing and investment in oil and gas projects of the region. Projected investment in the region within 2020-2025
- Large-scale oil and gas projects of Eastern Siberia and the Far East: Amur Gas Processing Plant and Gas Chemical Plant, Irkutsk and Yakutsk gas production centres, Chona project, Sakhalin gas production centres, Vankor oil and gas cluster
- Oil and gas processing and petrochemistry development in the Far East. Windows of opportunities for development of the largest petrochemical cluster
- Challenges and outlooks of Russian Far East shelf exploration and development
- Oil and gas transportation infrastructure as a significant part of cooperation with APR countries
- Russia entering Chinese market. Completion of Power of Siberia pipeline construction
Among the regular participants
ALROSA-GAZ, Vladivostok Port Plant, Vostok LPG, Gazprom gas distribution Far East, GazpromGazenergoset geliy, Gazprom mezhregiongaz, Gazprom mezhregiongaz Far East, Gazprom Neft, Gazprom pererabotka Blagoveshchensk, Gazprom proektirovanie, Gazprom LNG Vladivostok, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin, Dalgasresurs, Far East Energy Management Company, Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Maintenance Center, Krasnoyarskgazprom, NAKHODKA FERTILIZER PLANT, NIIGazekonomika, NIPIGAS, NNK-Primornefteproduct, Primorskiy Gaz, Russian Railways Logistics, SIBUR, Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegaz, Shipbuilding complex Zvezda and others.