
Arctic Portal

Tomorrow the 10th of November the Nordic house in Iceland will host a series of lectures about Northern issues. The event focuses on the monitoring of environment and society and will include many very interesting lectures and topics. The Arctic Portal will be streaming the event live on the Arctic Portal. The broadcast will start tomorrow morning at 09:00 GMT.


Coffee Break 

Lunch Break

14:00-15:00 Round Table discussion: 

The status of research, monitoring and international cooperation in the North

Discussion moderator: Kristján Kristjánsson, University of Reykjavík


15:00-16:00 Memorial lecture on Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, The Arctic Explorer  

Professor Þóra Ellen Þórhallsdóttir

The event will cover many of the most exciting topics within the Arctic region, the broadcast can be seen on the Arctic Portal front-page or by following this link