
6th annual arctic shipping summit

The 6th Annual Arctic shipping Summit will take place during between 27. and 29th April 2010 in Helsinki Finland, with a pre-conference seminar on the 26.

Leading experts from a diverse background will come together and analyze critical development and practical challenges connected to Arctic Shipping, these include

Chairmen and speakers will include. Keynote wpeaker Sergey Donskoy, Deputy minister, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation as well as

The last year has seen continuing developments in the prospects for Arctic shipping, including the first commercial voyage by a western shipping company through the Northern Sea Route from Asia to Europe. During the conferance participants will be given the oppertunity to hear from Beluga Shipping on the background and results from this transit. It is clear that the Arctic shipping summit will be an exiting event, attended by some of the most prominent actors interested in arctic shipping which no-one interested in Arctic shipping should overlook. Further information can be found at the informa maritime events homepage.