
Arctic landscape

Before the weekend, the White House warned on imminent Arctic ice death spiral.

National security officials are worried by the rapid, progressive loss of the Arctic ice as it might cause permanent global food shortages.

Senior US government officials are to be briefed at the White House this week on the danger of an ice-free Arctic in the summer within two years.

The meeting is bringing together Nasa's acting chief scientist, Gale Allen, the director of the US National Science Foundation, Cora Marett, as well as representatives from the US Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon.

This is the latest indication that US officials are increasingly concerned about the international and domestic security implications of climate change.

Senior scientists advising the US government at the meeting include 10 Arctic specialists, including marine scientist Prof Carlos Duarte, director of the Oceans Institute at the University of Western Australia.

This time scientists and policy makers will work together to bring the solutions for not only the Arctic nations but also, the rest of the world that might be effected by the melt.


The Guardian